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German Shepherd Dogs. German Shepherd Breeder. Puppies and Dogs for sale. Property of Vom Geliebten Haus. Any unauthorized copying, alteration, distribution, transmission, performance, display or other use of this material is prohibited.
German Commands
Achtung! (Ahk-toong') - Watch! Attention!
Aus! (Ows) - Out! Drop It! Let Go!
Bleib! (Blibe or Blipe) - Stay!
Bringen! - Bring! Fetch!
Fass! (Fahs) - Attack! Take hold!
Fuss! (Foos) - Heel!
Gib Laut! - Bark!
Hier! - Here! Come!
Hopp! - Up! Jump!
Nein! (Nine) - No!
Pass auf! (Pahs owf) - Pay attention! Heads Up!
Pfui! (Foo-ey) - Shame! Stop That! Drop That!
Platz! (Plots) - Down! (Place)
Setz! , Setzen! (Zetze'n) - Sit!
Such! (Zook) - Search!
Voran! (For-ahn) - Go forward! Take the lead!
Voraus! (For-ows) - Go forward! Run out!

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