are good for your dog
As humans, we love pears, and it is natural to want to share the things we love with our dogs. Sometimes this tendency gets our dogs into trouble. Most pet owners know that not all fruits and veggies are safe for dogs, but can dogs eat pears? Luckily for our canine companions, the answer is yes.
How Much Pear Can Dogs Eat?
Just because pears are safe for dogs to eat does not mean your dog should eat a lot of pears on a regular basis. In moderation, pears are a healthy snack, full of vitamin C, vitamin A, and fiber. However, just like with any food you give your dog, too many pears could lead to an upset stomach. So how much is too much? Veterinarians recommend limiting your dog’s treat intake to 10 percent of his daily food intake. For small dogs, this means that one slice of pear every now and then is plenty, and a whole pear is probably too much. When in doubt, ask your vet.
Risks of Feeding Pears to Dogs
There are a few risks associated with feeding pears to dogs. Pears are safe for dogs to eat, but even safe foods can be a choking hazard. Cut pears into bite-sized pieces and monitor your dog carefully as he eats to prevent choking.
Pear seeds contain traces of the toxin cyanide. As tempting as it is to toss your dog your leftover pear core, refrain from giving your dog the parts of pears with seeds in them, as not only are they toxic in large quantities, but seeds can also cause choking.
Can Dogs Eat Canned Pears?
Canned pears are not good for dogs, just like most canned fruit. Canned pears contain too much sugar, which can irritate your dog’s digestive tract and lead to obesity. Fresh, ripe pears are the best pears to feed to dogs.
It is always a good idea to ask your veterinarian before starting your dog on a new treat. Your veterinarian has years of experience and knowledge that can help you keep your dog safe from harmful people foods, and she can also help you find other healthy snacks that are safe for dogs to eat.
Text Source: AKC